
Gorgeous consignment jewelry for your next virtual auction

We design and provide stunning jewelry exclusively to the non-profit community.


A simple, no-risk process that helps you raise more money for your cause

Our collection is designed to maximize the funds raised at silent auctions, virtual galas and other fundraising events, with zero risk for the auction organizers. We have raised over $2,000,000 in net proceeds for our nonprofit partners since we started, and we are always asked back for repeat events.

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Why Jewels With a Purpose

Simple virtual auction formula

Elevate Your Auction

For virtual events, we provide stunning imagery and product descriptions for the jewelry you'd like to include in your auction, including suggested pricing based on our experience. All you have to do is load it onto your website.

Wide range of exclusive jewelry

Choose between 8-24 jewelry items for your virtual event. Nonprofit cost averages $75 - $200 per item, which is 20-25% of market value.

Sell items multiple times

Sell our jewelry to as many of the top bidders as you choose to maximize the amount raised - quantities are not limited for virtual auctions.

How It Works

You're steps away in reaching your fundraising goal

Ship to the winners

After the auction, we will ship directly to the winners via Priority Mail with tracking at our expense.

Stunning jewelry

All jewelry looks amazing in person and comes with stunning packaging, which will impress the winners!

No risk

There is absolutey no risk - only upside! There is no upfront cost to work with Jewels With A Purpose.

About Jewels With a Purpose

Maximize your fundraising goal with high-quality, affordable jewelry

We’ve been supporting non-profit organizations since 2005 and we are based in San Diego, CA. We provide stunning sterling silver jewelry, which the fundraising community wouldn’t normally have access to. Our very popular collection allows you to place jewelry in your charity auction with no upfront cost to your organization. Since you purchase only what you sell, our entire program is risk free.

The Nonprofit Cost for each piece of jewelry is clearly outlined in our agreement, so there are no surprises (the Nonprofit Cost averages between $75-$200, which is around 20%-25% of market value). The charity profits from the very first bid and patrons love bidding up!

We Work Well with Nonprofit Boards

We have vast experience working with nonprofit boards and event committees. We can provide as much information as you need in order to educate your group as to what we do.

50 states

Nationwide Auction Experience


Assisted organizations so far

$2,500 - $14K

Funds Raised per Event

Get Started

Ready to reach your fundraising goal?

© 2020 Jewels With A Purpose, Inc. All rights reserved.